Fausta Piancone, one of the residents created a very moving video summarizing her NPATH experience. We just have to share it with you:
Today the long-awaited final event of N-PATH was held, hosted by the University of Bari. Prof. Gesualdo did the honors and opened the day with an interesting report on the project. All the partners followed one another and contributed to making these 2 years of journey known to the vast audience.
Enough chatter, you can watch the whole event again:
The N-PATH website is now OPEN ACCESS, so all the web lectures, learning materials and meet the expert sessions are avaiable for everyone.
Just visit https://npath.eu/ than CLASSES, and REGISTER NOW. Spread the voice!

During the annual ERA congress which this year took place in Milan, at the Allianz Arena, the 40 N-PATH residents closed the circle of the project.
The graduation ceremony was held during a panel dedicated to them. Applause, emotions and even a few tears, while the photos of these 2 intense years spent together scrolled by.
Here is a brief summary of the day:
The VAS 2023 Congress has been a resounding success, both at an academic level, as well as at a social and networking level. And this is undoubtedly due to the local organizing committee and the PCO who have done an impeccable job.
At the NPATH panel, the project receinved the visibility it deserves. The fact that a large representation of the students could be present, as well as a good one of the teachers, allowed us to give a good image of the whole team.
Lastly, the final discussion was very enriching and allowed us to demonstrate how proud the residents of the program felt. In this way it became very clear that with the NPATH this has only just begun.

The resident Francesco Lafergola represented the N-PATH project at the 3rd Congress of the Polish Vascular Access Club, which was helded from 14 to 15 October 2022 in Warsaw, at the Arche Hotel Krakowska.
Professor Loreto Gesualdo, N-PATH Principal Investigator, had illustrate the project to the audience.
Here’s the Prof. Gesualdo speech:
The resident Francesco Lafergola will represent the N-PATH project at the 3rd Congress of the Polish Vascular Access Club, which will be held from 14 to 15 October 2022 in Warsaw, at the Arche Hotel Krakowska.
Francesco, together with Professor Loreto Gesualdo, N-PATH Principal Investigator, will illustrate the project to the audience. You could find more info at this link.
During the EVA Meeting in Patras, Nick Inston interviewed Prof. Gallieni about N-PATH project.
The web lectures of the REVAC module – Renal Expert in Vascular Access – are almost ready.
As for the REMAP, to build up this module we have involved teachers of the partner universities. The lessons will also be topics during the “Meet the Expert” meetings, an opportunity to talk and interact with the teachers about their lessons.

The news of N-PATH reached the local Italian media, which asked for a short interview with Prof. Gesualdo about the role of the Bari University in the project.
Here is an excerpt from the interview done: