Knowledge Alliances EACEA Kick-off meeting
On January 28, 2021, the coordinators of all selected Knowledge Alliances projects were invited to participate in the Kick-off Meeting for selected Erasmus + Knowledge Alliances 2020 projects.
The Project was represented by Mr José-Lorenzo VALLÉS, Head of Unit A1 – Erasmus+ European Higher Education EACEA and Ms Annalisa COLOSIMO, Head of Sector Unit A1 – Erasmus+ European Universities, Higher Education EACEA.
The main objectives of the Kick-off Meeting were to meet the EACEA Project Manager and establish a fruitful collaboration, present our project, facilitate networking among representatives of other projects and receive detailed information on the administrative aspects of project management.
The meeting was quite successful, we had the opportunity to establish communication channels with representatives of other selected projects and lay the foundations for the next dissemination synergies.